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Home/Products/Residential Energy Storage/5-15kWh All-in-one Machine Low-Volt Stacked Home E.S.

5-15kWh All-in-one Machine Low-Volt Stacked Home E.S.

5-15kWh All-in-one Machine Low-Volt Stacked Home E.S.

Technical parameters

Safety and energy saving

LFP cell. Multiple thermal failure prevention and control measures

High integration

High integration

Customized mounting

Ground mounting along the wall

Smart and friendly

Uninterrupted power supply

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Application scenarios

Product feature


<span style="color: rgb(28, 31, 35); font-family: Inter, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, " segoe="" ui",="" "sf="" pro="" sc",="" display",="" icons",="" "pingfang="" "hiragino="" sans="" gb",="" "microsoft="" yahei",="" "helvetica="" neue",="" helvetica,="" arial,="" sans-serif;="" font-size:="" medium;="" white-space:="" pre;"="">1. Generate electricity for remote areas without power grids.
2. Provide backup power for areas with frequent power outages or unstable power grids.
3. Provide intelligent charging and discharging modes for areas with large differences in gradient electricity tariffs.
4. In areas with abundant sunlight, generate benefits in conjunction with photovoltaic power generation.
5. Provide a highly integrated solution for small-scale users.
6. Different solutions can be provided according to customer choices:
A. Battery module
B. Inverter + battery module
C. Photovoltaic panel + photovoltaic inverter + battery module.

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